We are present in 25 countries Your trusted partner for holistic energy solutions
We are present in 25 countries Your trusted partner for holistic energy solutions
In addition to our headquarters in Austria and our sister company in Germany, we are active in 23 different franchise and export markets. These include: Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Chile, France, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary, France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Malaysia and Singapore.
Porsche Albania
Autostrada Tiranë - Durrës km.7,
Tel.: (+355) 04 240 74 31
E-mail: office(kwfat)porsche(kwfdot)al
To Albania.
Porsche BH d.o.o.
Bulevar Meše Selimovića 16
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel.: +
387 33 257 000
E-mail: moonpower(kwfat)porschebh(kwfdot)ba
To Bosnia and Herzegovina.
ul. "Business park Sofia" 5A,
Wohnung 3, 1766 g.k. Mladost 4,
Tel.: +359 2 80 71 400
E-mail: moon(kwfat)porschebulgaria(kwfdot)bg
To Bulgaria.
Porsche Croatia d.o.o.
Miroslava Miholića 2
HR- 10010 Zagreb
Tel.: + 385 1 62 69
E-mail: info(kwfat)porschecroatia(kwfdot)hr
To Croatia.
Porsche Czech Republic s.r.o.
Radlická 740/113d
158 00 PRAHA 5
+420 251 033 111
To the Czech Republic.
MOON POWER Deutschland GmbH
Heisenbergstraße 4,
Tel.: +49 8165
E-ail: office(kwfat)moon-power(kwfdot)de
To Germany.
Porsche Hungaria Kft.
Fáy u. 27.
H-1139 Budapest
Tel.: +36 1 45 15 100
E-mail: moon-power(kwfat)porschehungaria(kwfdot)hu
To Hungary.
Porsche Macedonia doel Skopje.
Bosna i Hecegovina bldg. 4,
1000 Skopje
Tel.: +389 2 26 26 266
E-mail: office(kwfat)porsche.com(kwfdot)mk
To Macedonia.
SIVA - Sociedade de Importação de Veículos Automóveis, S.A.
Rua do Comércio, Nr. 2, 2050
541 Vila Nova da Rainha
Azambuja - Portugal
Tel.: +35 263 407 000
E-mail: apoio.clientes(kwfat)siva(kwfdot)pt
To Portugal.
Bulevardul Pipera nr. 2, Clădirea "Porsche"
077190 Voluntari
Jud. Ilfov
Tel.: +40 21 203 28 88
E-Mail: office(kwfat)porsche(kwfdot)ro
To Romania.
Porsche SCG d.o.o.
Zrenjaninski put 9A, 11210 Belgrad,
Tel.: +381 11 3042 400
E-mail: info(kwfat)porschescg(kwfdot)rs
To Serbia.
Porsche Inter Auto Slovakia, spol. s r.o.
85104 Bratislava
Dolnozemská 7
Tel.: +421 2 49 262 200
E-mail: pinfo(kwfat)porsche(kwfdot)sk
To Slovakia.
Porsche Slovenija, d. o. o.
Bravničarjeva ulica 5,
Tel.: +386 80 8846
E-mail: moonpower(kwfat)porsche(kwfdot)si
To Slovenia.
Automechanika LLC
Semi Sosniny Str. 9
Kiew, 03134
Tel. +38 044 223 5000
E-mail: vag(kwfat)automechanica.com(kwfdot)ua